RequestPermissionURL Property

Returns or sets the file or web site URL to visit or the email address to contact for users who need additional permissions on the active document. Read/write String.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a Permission object.


The RequestPermissionURL setting corresponds to the Users can request additional permissions from option in the permissions user interface. Use the RequestPermissionURL property to specify a file, a web site, or an email contact from which users can request, or learn how to request, additional permissions on the active document, for example:


The following example displays information about the permissions settings of the active document, including the RequestPermissionURL setting.

    Dim irmPermission As Office.Permission
    Dim strIRMInfo As String
    Set irmPermission = ActiveWorkbook.Permission
    If irmPermission.Enabled Then
        strIRMInfo = "Permissions are restricted on this document." & vbCrLf
        strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & " View in trusted browser: " & _
            irmPermission.EnableTrustedBrowser & vbCrLf & _
            " Document author: " & irmPermission.DocumentAuthor & vbCrLf & _
            " Users with permissions: " & irmPermission.Count & vbCrLf & _
            " Cache licenses locally: " & irmPermission.StoreLicenses & vbCrLf & _
            " Request permission URL: " & irmPermission.RequestPermissionURL & vbCrLf
        If irmPermission.PermissionFromPolicy Then
            strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & " Permissions applied from policy:" & vbCrLf & _
            "  Policy name: " & irmPermission.PolicyName & vbCrLf & _
            "  Policy description: " & irmPermission.PolicyDescription
            strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & " Default permissions applied."
        End If
        strIRMInfo = "Permissions are NOT restricted on this document."
    End If
    MsgBox strIRMInfo, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "IRM Information"
    Set irmPermission = Nothing